Online Resources

online database subscriptions

OVID CLINICAL EDGE-A research tool that combines sophisticated search technology and full-text content from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and MEDLINE.

OVID NURSING EDGE-Provides your users with access, via Ovid Emcare, to millions of bibliographic records, some of the nursing field’s most lauded journals and eBooks, and additional bibliographic records from the Ovid


Provides the Top 10 journals for nursing:

EMERALD INSIGHT provides access to journals relevant to a variety of subject areas including accounting & finance, business, management, education, health & social care, information studies, and tourism.

PROQUEST offers patrons single-point access to an extensive and expanding global archive of dissertations and theses which has been designated as an offsite digital repository for the U.S. Library of Congress. 

OXFORD REFERENCE-premier online reference product, spanning 25 different subject areas, bringing together 2 million digitized entries across Oxford University Press’s Dictionaries, Companions and Encyclopedias.

WILEY DIGITAL TEXTBOOKS- Discover a wealth of content written by award-winning authors, world-renowned scholars, and researchers. Provides 15,000 eBook collections across 10 subject areas with a vast range of reliable, authoritative works. Digital Textbooks can be accessed using your CEU Leaps account. 

WILEY ONLINE DENTAL JOURNALS-  are collections of peer-reviewed academic journals that publish research and reviews in dentistry. These journals cover various topics, including clinical practices, dental education, oral health, and dental materials.

print journal subscriptions with online access



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