Library Access and Use
Users of the library
The CEU libraries are open to the following, subject to the rules and regulations governing their use:
1. All bona fide students of CEU Manila,Malolos and Makati with identification card.
2. Faculty members, officers and the CEU Administration and non-teaching staff of the University.
3. CEU reviewees for board examination.
4. CEU alumni with CEU alumni identification card.
*CEU Alumni and Reviewees are required to present their alumni ID card before they can secure the special library card which will entitle them "Room Use" of the library collection. Special library card will be issued at Ciculation Unit, 1st flr. CDL bldg.
Members and students of Mendiola Consortium (San Beda College, La Consolation College, College of the Holy Spirit and St. Jude Catholic School) with a letter of request from their Chief/Head Librarians
Members and students of other educational institutions with a letter of request from their respective Chief/Head Librarians and the permission to conduct research
Scholars doing research work (officers/employees of private and government offices) with a letter of request from their respective offices.
*Outside researchers can do research at the CEU Library during Mondays to Fridays, 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Proceed to Circulation Unit, 1st flr. CDL bldg. for the submission of the request letter and issuance of special library card. There is a corresponding research fee for each outside researcher.
Undergraduate Students – Php 20.00/student
Graduate Students/other researcher – Php 50.00/researcher
Outside researchers may use library collection at Circulation Unit, Periodicals Unit, Reference and Information Unit and Filipiniana/Science Unit.
Graduate School Library is intended for Graduate School students of CEU and other academic institutions.
Thesis collection of the Undergraduate Research Collection (URC) is intended for CEU Undergraduate students.
Use of library resources
Circulation Unit
The books support the curricular requirements of Tourism, Psychology, Logic, Ethics, Theology, Management, Accounting, Physical Education; includes books about language, literature, history and geography.
Period of loans
Regular Semester: Three (3) days for undergraduate students and seven (7) days for graduate students and faculty
Summer session: Seven (7) days for both graduate and undergraduate students.
Loans of any books are renewable for the same period if not needed by other students or borrowers.
Number of Loans
Undergraduate students -Three (3) books at a time, or more on meritorious cases
Graduate students and faculty - Five (5) books at a time or more depending on need
RESERVED BOOK COLLECTION are requested by the faculty members as listed in the required readings of the course syllabi. The course reserve books are available in the Circulation Unit. Its use is limited within the confines of the library.
Undergraduate Research Collection
Houses the collection of undergraduate theses and feasibility studies submitted by the graduating students to their respective school/college and turned over to the library for use as references by incoming 4th year students. These materials are for LIBRARY USE only.
Cybrary (Internet Room)
Supplements the existing print collection of the University Library. Students are provided twenty-five (75) hours of free use of the internet per semester. Researchers must present their ID at the Cybrary (Internet Room) counter; for first users, create a password to be used every time they log in and out.
Periodicals Unit
The library's collection of print and online subscriptions including newspapers, professional journals, magazines and scholarly serial publications.
The Library subscribes to the following online databases:
Emereald Insight (2019-Below)
Lippincott Top Ten Nursing Journals
ProQuest Theses and Dissertations
Ovid Nursing Edge
Ovid Clinical Edge
Oxford Reference
Computer workstations are available in this Unit for online databases. Articles searched may be printed out for Php 5.00 per page.
All current and bound periodical materials are for library use only. However, selected articles from printed periodicals may be photocopied within 15 minutes only and is required to be checked out & checked in at the Librarian’s desk of the Periodicals Unit.
Reference and Information Unit
Reference collection includes reference books such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, directories, atlases, almanacs, handbooks and guidebooks. These are available in both print, electronic and/or online formats. eBooks include Credo Reference online database. Reference books in print are limited for LIBRARY USE only.
Filipiniana / Science Unit
Filipiniana Collection
Collection of books about the Philippines; books written by Filipinos and books published in the Philippines.
Filipiniana books with more than one copy may be borrowed for Home Use; other titles with only one copy are limited for room use.
Filipiniana Reference books such as Philippine Yearbooks, encyclopedia, dictionaries, biographical sources, almanacs, are for Room Use and may be photocopied for 15 minutes only.
Allied Science Collection
Collection of books about Pure Science and Applied Science. This collection supports the curriculum of Nursing, Medical Technology, Pharmacy, Optometry, Nutrition & Dietetics and HRM.
Period of loans
Regular Semester: Three (3) days for undergraduate students and seven (7) days for graduate students and faculty
Summer session: Seven (7) days for both graduate and undergraduate students.
Loans of any books are renewable for the same period if not needed by other students or borrowers.
Number of Loans
Undergraduate students - Three (3) books at a time, or more on meritorious cases
Graduate students and faculty - Five (5) books at a time or more depending on need
Filipiniana Reference books (FR) are for LIBRARY USE only and may be photocopied within 15 minutes.
Graduate School Library
Materials in this unit include master's theses and doctoral dissertations submitted at CEU Graduate School; abstracts and indexes; professional journals and periodicals of general interest; professional books of the different course offerings in the Graduate School which may be borrowed for home use for one week. Reference books and periodicals can be borrowed for library use only. It also provides internet and online resources.
Period of loans
One week for graduate students, faculty & non-teaching staff
Loans of any books are renewable for the same period if not needed by other students or borrowers.
Number of Loans
Five (5) books at a time or more depending on need
Reference books (R) are for LIBRARY USE only and may be photocopied within 15 minutes.
Dental Library
Professional books and periodicals in the field of Dentistry are available in this Unit. The Unit has online resources and internet facilities exclusive for use of the Dental students. The library subscribes to Alexander Street Dental Education in Video which is a video collection of dentistry and dental techniques, delivering instant access to hundreds of high definition videos featuring world renowned clinicians and educators.
Period of loans
Regular Semester: Three (3) days for undergraduate students and seven (7) days for graduate students and faculty
Summer session: Seven (7) days for both graduate and undergraduate students.
Loans of any books are renewable for the same period if not needed by other students or borrowers.
Number of Loans
Undergraduate students -Three (3) books at a time, or more on meritorious cases
Graduate students and faculty - Five (5) books at a time or more depending on need
Reference books (DR) are for LIBRARY USE only and may be photocopied within 15 minutes.
Medical Library
School of Medicine students can avail of the print and online resources of the Medical Library which composed of print professional books, professional medical journals with online subscription to Clinical Key, Acta Medica Philippina and HERDIN (Health Research and Development Information Network). Resources of the Medical Library are intended for the use of Medicine students.
Period of loans
Regular Semester: Three (3) days for undergraduate students and seven (7) days for graduate students and faculty
Summer session: Seven (7) days for both graduate and undergraduate students.
Loans of any books are renewable for the same period if not needed by other students or borrowers.
Number of Loans
Undergraduate students -Three (3) books at a time, or more on meritorious cases
Graduate students and faculty - Five (5) books at a time or more depending on need
Reference books (MDR) are for LIBRARY USE only and may be photocopied within 15 minutes.
Music Library
Provides collection of music printed books and musical scores. It houses musical instrument such as piano for use. This Unit is intended for students and faculty of CEU Conservatory of Music.
Period of loans
Regular Semester: Three (3) days for undergraduate students and seven (7) days for graduate students and faculty
Summer session: Seven (7) days for both graduate and undergraduate students.
Loans of any books are renewable for the same period if not needed by other students or borrowers.
Number of Loans
Undergraduate students -Three (3) books at a time, or more on meritorious cases
Graduate students and faculty - Five (5) books at a time or more depending on need
Musical Scores are strictly for LIBRARY USE only.
Reference books (MCR) are for LIBRARY USE only and may be photocopied within 15 minutes.
internet facilities
Centro Escolar University Library provide access to electronic resources available on-site and via the Internet in support of research and learning.
86 Internet workstations for Cybrary (28 computers), Graduate School Unit Library (4 computers), Medical Unit Library (7 computers), Senior High School Library (2 computers), Periodicals Unit (17 computers), Learning Commons (18 computers) and Dental Unit Library (10 computers).
10 Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) workstations deployed in all units of the library.
Fully wireless networking capabilities
Professionally trained staff and student assistants to assist with operational and application needs
School hours access Monday - Saturday, 8:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m.
Internet / Intranet Access for Laptops
The University Library is fully Wi-Fi capable and offers “Hotspots” (Internet wireless connectivity) in the following coverage areas in the CDL building;
1. Library Department
a. Circulation Unit (CDL 1st floor)
b. Senior High School Library (CDL 1st floor)
c. Undergraduate Research Collection (CDL Mezzanine)
d. Graduate School Unit Library (CDL Mezzanine)
e. Reference and Information Unit (LAH Extension 2nd floor)
f. Filipiniana / Science Unit (LAH 2nd floor)
g. Medical Unit Library (LAH 2nd floor)
h. Dental Unit Library (Dent/Sci. Bldg. 3rd floor)
2. SDV Lanai
a. Reading Areas
b. Carmen De Luna Monument & Mini Park
3. VP for Academic Affairs Office
Other CEU hotspots
SDV Lanai
DCT Lanai
North Quadrangle
Library Department
DentSci Lanai
Policies on Internet and Online Database Services
The Internet and Online Database services are for academic-related researches only. Computer chats, card playing, word processing and pornographic surfing are strictly prohibited.
The following are allowed to avail of the Online Databases and Internet Services: (a). Undergraduate and Graduate students (b). Faculty (c). Non-teaching employees
User of internet should present his identification card, log in at the counter and proceed to assigned workstation
Internet user must see to it that he has logged in and out at the Internet Service Unit counter so as to compute the number of minutes/hours used.
Internet user who exceeds the twenty five (25) hours free surfing per semester will be charged Php0.50/minute.
Printing of research output must be requested from the staff on duty. Any erroneous printouts will be charged to the user concerned. Printing cost is as follows:
Php 5.00/page for the laser printer
Php25.00/page for the color printer (full graphics)
7. Payment of excess of the allowed twenty five (25) hours should be given to the staff on-duty before leaving the Cybrary. Library official receipt is issued for all collected fees.
8. Priority is given to all CEU users; in case all workstations are in use.
9. Downloading of Internet files is permitted; however, USB drive should be scanned first for virus infection before using it. A virus infected USB drive will not be allowed to be used in any Internet and Online Database workstations in the Library as a preventive measure for virus infection.
10. Cell phones will have to be turned off while inside the Cybrary (Internet Room).
USE OF WIRED INTERNET CONNECTION - The University Library now offers Ethernet wired connection in the following coverage areas of Cybrary;
1. Cybrary (Internet Room) - CDL 2nd floor
Who may connect to the CEU Library Ethernet Wired Internet Connection:
Only Patrons of Centro Escolar University Mendiola Manila students, faculty and employees holding a current valid Identification Card may connect to the network jacks for laptop computers.
Policies on the Use of the CEU Library Ethernet Wired Internet Connection:
Access service is only offered to any CEU library user who has his or her own laptop computer compatible with the UTP RJ-45 Ethernet standard.
Unlimited use of Internet will be applied in a first come per served basis as long as there is an available network jacks.
Users are encouraged to use battery run laptop computers due to limited electrical outlets.
Policy on the use of the internet such as browsing will be strictly for research purposes only.
USE OF WI-FI CONNECTION - The University Library now offers “Hotspots” (Internet wireless connectivity) in the following coverage areas in the CDL building;
1. Library Department
a. Circulation Unit (CDL 1st floor)
b. Undergraduate Research Collection (CDL Mezzanine)
c. Reference and Information Unit (LAH Extension 2nd floor)
d. Filipiniana / Science Unit (LAH 2nd floor)
e. Medical Unit Library (LAH 2nd floor)
f. Graduate School Library Unit (CDL Mezzanine)
g. Dental Unit Library (DentSci Bldg. 3rd floor)
2. SDV Lanai
a. Reading Areas
b. Carmen De Luna Monument & Mini Park
3. VP for Academic Affairs Office
Any devices that has a Wi-Fi connection.
Who may connect to the CEU Library Hotspots:
Only Patrons of Centro Escolar University students, faculty and employees holding a current valid Identification Card may access the Hotspots.
How to connect in the CEU Library Hotspots:
Patrons who have their own Wireless Connection Devices can connect directly to the hotspots as long as the Library IT staff configured it.
Policies on the Use of the CEU Library Wireless Network Technology
Access service is only offered to any CEU library user who has his or her own Wi-Fi connection device.
Users are encouraged to use battery run laptop computers due to limited electrical outlets.