Working at the Library
roles and responsibilitIes
THE LIBRARY pertains to the administration, coordinators, professional librarians, and library staff. They shall, more importantly, partake in the daily activities of the library, carry out the duties assigned to them, and ensure the integrity of the whole department.
The Library Head - is the highest authority in the department. He/She will be the final arbiter on all decisions relating to administration, conduct of operations, public relations, and the implementation of library policies.
The Coordinators - are the subordinate authorities for decision-making and shall assist the head in supervising library work and management. Coordinators shall be the direct supervisors of the conduct of operations of their respective library sections.
The Professional Librarians - shall be assigned to supervise their designated units and must see to it that library policies are strongly implemented. They are the front line of library services and must display good conduct and professionalism.
The Library Staff - shall assist in all library work assigned to them.